Calvary Presbyterian Church
"Biblically grounded, Christ-Centered, Spirit-led"
Sermon and Worship For Sunday, February 27th, 2022
Welcome to Calvary Presbyterian of Ann Arbor's online worship service! Though we are unable to meet in person this Sunday; we are glad you have joined us here online. The Holy Spirit who binds us all together knows no limitations of time or space, and is most certainly present with us. We are planning to have services exclusively online for the month of February. However, we will be having in-person worship starting next Sunday, the first Sunday in March, and plan to continue to do so for all of March.
This week we are honored to have Pastor Mike Frison, recently retired from Knox Presbyterian, bringing us the message as Keith is on vacation. There will be no "Live Wire" sermon discussion, but please consider making a phone call to a friend or family member today to talk and pray together.
A special welcome to all who are exploring or attending our church for the first time. The "Order of Worship" link below will be your guide to the flow of the service; the other links have the different parts of the service, and are listed in order. While many of us choose to access the online service at 10:00 AM so that we can worship together, the service is recorded rather than live--and may be accessed any time during the week. May God's grace and peace be with you all.
“Blessed Assurance” (arr. J. Koerts)
Sandy Huang pianist
We worship for an audience of One. Stand, sit, kneel; lift your hands, bow your head; sing out or let the Spirit minister to you in silence. It’s all ok.
“As The Deer”
“Lord, Reign In Me”
“Lord, Blessed Be Your Name”
“Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”
(arr. J. Carter) Sandy Huang

“It Is Well with My Soul”
If you have a prayer request you can submit it using our online form, or e-mail or call Pastor Keith directly.